A Beginner’s Guide to Lake Fishing

Being from a city with many lakes and streams and a boatload of fisherman (pardon the pun). I have always taken for granted the fact that I just know how to fish. A few years ago I moved to a place where fishing wasn’t so common and I found many people with the desire to enjoy a relaxing day of fishing, but many with no know how whatsoever. This article aims to give you the mental tools to get out there and hook a few fish.

Lake Bass Fishing Guide

Picking Fishing Poles

The first thing you’ll want to do is go by a cheap pole. Your just starting out and if you want to enjoy it a cheap pole will eliminate the worry that comes with handling expensive equipment and also cheap poles generally come with line already on them, so you also get to eliminate one of the more tedious steps of preparation. If you do need to buy separate line the task of putting it on your reel is simple enough. Have a person hold the spool and string your line through the eyes of your pole and down to your reel. Tie it up here so that the reel catches it when you begin to reel in. When you reel it have the person holding the spool apply some pressure to the line in order to avoid knots. Reel until the line is almost filling up the reel. Careful here, too much can cause you to get more knots later and you may have to cut some off.

Picking Fishing Hooks

The second step is hooks. If its your first time out I generally recommend people start with simple hook and worm set ups. Later, as you get more adventurous, you can try some different things, but for now a worm has the power to catch the widest variety of lake fish in the easiest possible way. Buy hooks in various sizes so that you can switch later. If you are constantly having your worm stolen you can switch to a smaller hook and worm to catch the smaller fish, or if you’re not getting any bites you can try to go bigger and see if there is a monster swimming around.

Tying the Fishing Knot

Next you’ll be tying the knot. This can be tricky at first so I am just going to say it and let you make a few attempts. First string your line through the eye of the hook. Next spin the end of your line around the portion of your line that’s connected to the pole about six times (no need to be exact). At this point you should have a small hole left below where your line is wrapped directly above the eye of the hook. Take the end of your line and thread it back though this, not too tightly though, because you goal here is to create another loop. The loop that’s left here needs to be threaded by the end of your line again and pulled tight. Pull this knot as tight as you can and scoot the whole thing towards the eye of the hook. You’re all set! If you have some trouble with it that’s perfectly normal, just try and try again until you have a tight pretty little knot.

Finally Hooking Worms for Fishing

At this point you can hook your worm, I generally hook it through its side two or three time and leave a little hanging off to make it look nice. Now if you feel so inclined you can use a bobber, or you can simply cast and real. This is up to you. If you decide to use a bobber try to have a good idea of the depth where you are fishing so you can have your worm float above the bottom. Fish don’t generally eat from the ground!